Launch calls for innovation to find solutions to social problems.
Support Campus Party as an infrastructure for the country’s renewal.
Finance innovation competitions to receive ideas for improving their businesses. Identify and recruit the best talents. Meet other companies and institutions. Motivate employees with a “disruptive” experience.
Promote a unique event by telling an inspiring and forward-thinking story that appeals to young audiences.
Meet talent and get ideas for new formats.
Present excellence and projects and increase their visibility to media, companies, institutions and talent.
Allow students to participate in competitions and activities to win prizes and find work.
Contribute young talent, technology and exceptional content. Personally meet their members and give them the chance to compete, win prizes and gain greater visibility. Develop their own events in a unique context.
Have a unique life experience and network with peers who want to change the world.
Participate in activities and competitions, win prizes and are noticed by innovative companies.